Adam was a classic seeker and curiosity is his guiding principle in life. He was preoccupied for decades with metaphysical questions such as “Why do we suffer?”, “What is this life, and does it have a purpose?”, and “Who am I really?”.
Adam explored various religious traditions, atheism, western and eastern philosophy,
mysticism, and other forms of esoterica. He’s had a colorful life experience and an emphatic tour of the human condition. He was obsessive in his search and made every mistake in the book.
Did Adam find the answers he set out to find? No, at least not in the specifics he was initially hoping for or expecting. But as William Blake wrote, “The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.”
It was in the not finding that he found everything. Literally everything. Everything that is always right here, always appearing, always complete and perfect exactly as it is.
Adam’s principle life interest is meditation and being as present as possible. He has
practiced for 10 years within various traditions.
He has found the Tibetan traditions of
Dzogchen and Mahamudra to be the most useful, but he also includes elements
from other traditions such as Meta and Vipassana where helpful. He is a certified
Hatha Yoga teacher (200 hours) and a certified Somatic Yoga and Movement
educator (200 hours).
Adam takes great pleasure in sharing the most important things he has ever learned
with others in search of a more relaxed and open approach to life.
Instagram: @spinozasghost